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Our latest campaign seeks to drive greater autism awareness and acceptance through real-life stories and experiences. “My Autistic Self” will do a deep dive into the autism experience, exploring topics such as stimming, masking, sensory sensitivities, non-speaking communication, shutting down, and floating focus through different autistic viewpoints.

By interviewing a diverse group of autistic individuals, we want to showcase a first-hand view of how unique these are to each individual.

By explaining these terms in more detail, the campaign hopes to educate the neuro-typical community and help them to understand the exclusion, stress and exhaustion many autistic individuals face in their day-to-day lives.

-myautisticexperience -mymindmatters -insidemyautism -myautismandme

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On: 10/10/23 3 minutes

Non-Speaking - Billie and Rose

Non-Speaking Communication - Rose's Experience Some autistic people may face a delay in their use of spoken language, whilst others may not...

On: 01/09/23 3 minutes

Masking - Becs

Masking - Becs' Experience Disguising parts of yourself and suppressing your identity can be draining and exhausting. For many autistic people,...

On: 01/11/23 3 minutes

Floating Focus - Holly

Floating Focus – Holly's Experience Some autistic people may find it difficult to focus on one thing for an extended period of time,...

On: 01/09/23 3 minutes

Masking - Ellie

Masking - Ellie's Experience Autistic people may have different ways of communicating and behaving – and these differences can make them...

On: 17/10/23 3 minutes

Stimming - Tyler

Stimming - Tyler's Experience Stimming can be a source of comfort and enjoyment for many people, offering a way to regulate emotions and process...

On: 01/11/23 3 minutes

Floating Focus - Mimi

Floating Focus - Mimi's Experience For Mimi, staying focused and filtering out distractions can be a struggle. Her mind starts to drift away...

On: 17/10/23 3 minutes

Stimming - Archie

Stimming - Archie's Experience Loud and unpredictable environments can be overwhelming for some autistic people, causing issues with sensory...

On: 21/11/23 3 minutes

Shutting Down - Mimi

Shutting Down – Mimi's Experience Unlike a ‘meltdown’, ‘shutdowns’ are more muted and discreet responses to...

On: 07/11/23 3 minutes

Floating Focus - Bella

Floating Focus - Bella's Experience “My autism…it affects me mentally more than anything. So sometimes I find it hard to concentrate....

On: 17/11/23 3 minutes

Shutting Down - Max

Shutting Down – Max's Experience Autistic people may experience lights, smells, and sounds differently to non-autistic people. Those...

On: 23/11/23 5 minutes

Shutting Down - Kai

Shutting Down – Kai's Experience Sixteen-year-old Kai has ADHD and is autistic, non-binary and the proud titleholder of Teen Miss Diamond...

On: 07/11/23 3 minutes

Floating Focus - Ellie

Floating Focus - Ellie's Experience Many autistic people may have highly focused interests in particular areas, from TV shows to animals and...

On: 07/11/23 3 minutes

Shutting Down - Deborah

Shutting Down – Deborah's Experience When some autistic people feel extremely stressed or overwhelmed, they might respond by ‘shutting...

On: 07/09/23 3 minutes

Masking - Nevaeh

Masking - Nevaeh's Experience Nevaeh, Autism Unlimited’s Young Ambassador, is a very talented singer and songwriter who rose to fame...

On: 24/10/23 3 minutes

Stimming - Cayden

Stimming – Cayden's Experience Cayden has relied on stimming since a young age, scrunching and un-scrunching different items, such as...

On: 26/10/23 3 minutes

Stimming - Georgia

Stimming – Georgia's Experience When things get overwhelming, stimming can offer temporary relief for some autistic people. The repetitive...

On: 12/09/23 3 minutes

Masking - Willow

Masking - Willow's Experience Willow is one of our wonderful Portfield School students, who shares a personal and open insight into their...

On: 12/09/23 4 minutes

Masking - Mimi

Masking - Mimi's Experience For Mimi, masking comes with its positives and its negatives. Following a late diagnosis, she realised she had...

On: 19/09/23 5 minutes

Sensory Sensitivities: A Therapist's Insight

The below blog shares a therapist's insight into sensory sensitivities and how they might impact individuals. **What are sensory sensitivities?...

On: 19/09/23 3 minutes

Sensory Sensitivities - Lucas

Sensory Sensitivities – Lucas’ Experience Autistic people may experience sensory differences, which can include being over-sensitive...